Thursday, March 8, 2012

Diease for one of the senses

Glaucoma: It is a disease where the optic nerve is damaged, thus resulting in the damage of our vision. In an extreme case of glaucoma, one can become blind.

Causes for glaucoma include: 
-Ocular hypertension: the increased pressure in the eye
-Poor blood flow
-Damage of the optic nerve

Symptoms include: 
-eyes that are red
-severe eye pain
-seeing halos we you see light
-blurry vision

Ways to Treat Glaucoma:
Medication: One could take drugs such as beta-blockers, Prosagladin analogscarbonic anhydrase, and inhibitors. These drugs decreases the amount of aqueous fluid in our eye. By doing so, one can reduce the pressure of the eye. Since the cause of Glaucoma is the result of intraocular pressure, by decreasing it, we can reduce the amount of damage the optic nerve experiences. 
Surgery:  Laser surgery is another way to treat Glaucoma.

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