Thursday, March 29, 2012

Epidemic Stimluation 

   In my opinion, I think the main thing that impacts the amount of people who die from an epidemic disease is the amount of carriers who possess the disease in the first place. In the first map, when there were more carriers of the diseases, this resulted in more sick people, and in the end more deaths. 30 carriers caused 11 people to be sick, and these 11 people caused 573 deaths.

   As for the second map, there was less carriers and this resulted in less deaths. In here, there was a reduced amount of deaths. In this map, there were 0 carriers and there were 44 deaths. Compared to the first map, the amount of deaths here were way less. From this, I conclude that the amount of deaths depend on the amount of carriers that have the disease. More carriers means more deaths.

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