Thursday, December 8, 2011

Blog 8 What Interested Me About Dead Men Do Tell Tales

   I was interested in the way the author described his life. He was really descriptive and me feel like I was the anthropologist. One thing I was surprised was the fact that he enjoyed the smell of dead people and compared it to the smell of meat cooking. What horrified me was the many cases that were mentioned including the one about the girl who killed her stepfather after the abuse that she had to endure. This book has really impacted me even if I do not want to be changed by it. When I read this book, I am exposed to the horrors or reality, and at the same time, I contemplate about the concept of death. After hearing many cases where people have dies, I start to ponder about my existence as well as the end of my life. I realize that I have it way luckier than many of the individuals that are mentioned in the book and after reading this, I feel more cynical of the book. I believe this book reveals all the dark things that exist in man kind and also cautions us in life.

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